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Ottoman push-on nock shape, made from beech. Sold per dozen. 

To ensure a secure fit, we suggest you use a waterproof wood glue (we find Titebond III Ultimate works best). 

Available to fit 5 16 and 11 32 diameter wood shafts. 

Tested to 70lb draw weight. 

 Just taper the nock end of the shaft as normal, apply a blob of glue inside the cone, push the nock onto the shaft, twist it 360 degrees to make sure the glue covers all surfaces of the shaft and the inside of the cone, line up with the appropriate grain direction of your shaft, wipe off excess glue, and set aside to dry as per your glue instructions. 

To ensure a good fit with your bow string, a little light sandpaper work to fine-tune the click may be necessary. 

Can be stained, dyed, painted, sealed, waxed, varnished etc to match your chosen colour schemes.


5/16, 11/32